Wow what an amazing weekend!!! But sooooo exhausting! We woke up at 5 am to catch the first metro to make sure we made the right shuttle to the airport. Our plane left at 9 so thankfully it wasn't as bad as last weekend was going to italy. As soon as we landed we had to catch another bus that took us into Barcelona. It took us a total of 7 hours of travel to finally arrive. Our hostel was so easy to find and was located in such a good area of the city, so we lucked out there (good job steph haha). After finally eating we took a much needed nap to get ready for the night. The hostel was a bit strange. Our room was shared with three guys who didn't seem to like us much and it was FREEZING! We had to pay 6 euros each for sheets, blankets, and towels which is a total rip off. But whatever. That night we met up with Stephs friend who was studying there and we went out to dinner at this really cheap/really good restaurant. So good. Barcelona is kinda strange because they don't go out until at least midnight, but they stay out until like 5 or 6 am! We got to the first club at midnight and the second one at 3...Betsy and I called it a night around 4...we were so tired! But the clubs were really cool! The second day we went to the beach and walked around there for 5 was gorgeous. I can officially say I've put my feet in the mediterranean sea!! I wish it had been warmer but it was still about 60 degrees. The beach was so cool, there were TONS of outdoor restaurants that reminded me of the deck. Although I'm sure the food is better, if not consistent haha. When we got all the way down to the other end of the beach we found that that was where the clubs we went to the night before were located. Haha who knew the reason why it was so cold was because we were on the beach the night before!!! Oops lol. We got gelato twice that day (oops again). But it was so worth it since its impossible to find in paris. On the metro home Bay almost got pickpocketed. Well she did, but she realized as it was happening and was able to get her phone back. Barcelona is apparently known for having the highest crime rate for pickpocketing. The guy was such a scumbag. He looked like the main character in Taken. Gross. For dinner we tried out a Tapas bar, which they have all over barcelona, and it was SO good! You basically order a bunch of appetizers and share them and its really cheap. That night we went to the Dow Jones bar, which was kinda in the middle of nowhere, but pretty cool. The drink prices reflected how popular each drink was and fluctuated with the amount sold. Every half hour or so they would "crash" the market and the prices would drop dramatically. I got two draft beers for less than 4 euros total. Sick. It was another late night though, we didnt get back until almost 4. Our last day we did a lot of sight seeing. We went to the Picasso Museum (I'll never go back). I don't understand the big deal with him, it looks like a 5 year old colored all of his paintings. Weird. But art really isn't my thing anyways. We tried to go to the chocolate museum, which claimed to be open on sundays, but WASN'T! We weren't very happy. We found this tapas bar that sold nachos which was sooo exciting since you can't get nachos anywhere in paris!! We ate so much that we weren't hungry for dinner so we just had gelato. Very healthy. That night we climbed up the park which is basically a mini mountain where you can see the entire city from the top. It was so nice, we made it up there at sunset, which was awesome. It made me think (for a second) that it would've been romantic to have a boyfriend there with me...but I quickly remembered how much fun relationships are (NOT) and realized it was better to be there with girl friends haha. The last night we went to an absinthe bar. Disgusting. Anyone who tells you that black licorice flavored alcohol is good, lied to you. I can at least say I tried it and the bar was pretty interesting, it was like 200 years old or something. But I think I'll stick to tequila from now on. Getting to the 345 bus leaving Barcelona was ROUGH! We didn't go to sleep, we went straight from the bar to check out of the hostel and then jumped the bus. Not the most enjoyable trip home if you can imagine. When we finally got home we immediately went to bed. Bummer that I have so much work to do tonight, but oh well...London on Friday!!!

It reminded me of home...

One of the many cool sandcastles they had on the beach

After we put our feet in the Mediterranean Sea!!!

The main beach in pretty!

The ocean!!!!

Sagrada Famiglia (some huge church)

The Dow Jones Bar!!!

Sunset from the top of the Park...all the way up on the top is the Sagrada Famiglia


So romantic.
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