(Paris financial district! My future place of employment?)
(I live in the most beautiful place on earth!)
Luckily for mike I had been there before because he was about to start dodging cars to get to the center where the Arc is but I told him there was a safer option which included a tunnel haha. Since I stupidly forgot a copy of my passport I had to pay to go to the top but mike didnt. It was sooo awesome up there, it was such a perfect day (for once) and we could see everything! Some of the shops we did go into were so cool!
We went into this car store (or sort of car museum) and I found my next car, its even cuter than my bug if you can believe it. But they don't sell them in the states yet so I'll have to wait.
We found this street that was supposed to have really good shopping but quickly found out when we passed a gucci baby store that it had really good shopping for millionaires, but it was still cool to see every big designer in the world all on one street! I saw my third bug, i'm going to keep track haha.
We also went in the Swarvosky crystal store and the staircase was all crystal which was really pretty!
After that we went to the place de la concorde and walked the jardin de tuileries which is basically the backyard of the louvre. Its going to be so pretty in the spring!
(Place de la Concorde)
(Jardin de Tuileries...thats the Louvre in the back)
Then we met up with everyone else at the Galleries Lafayette which is pretty much a massive Nordstrom, and has the expensive prices too. Last night was one of the guys in the programs 21st so we all went over to his apartment before heading to the bar and it was so much fun. The bar was an irish pub which was a ton of fun except for the fact that it was a sauna and you could barely move anywhere easily haha but whatever. I'm in paris so I can't complain!
Today I'm completely exhausted from yesterday so I'm planning on just exploring my neighborhood (we apparently have the best ice cream in Paris, but I have yet to find it and I usually have a sixth sense about that). Classes start soon which will be good but I have a feeling I'm going to miss my math classes VERYYY quickly! C'est tout!
Three bugs so far, do they all have their hubcaps?? I love the shots of the city, we will be visiting that Hagen daz shop!! Another successful adventure! Love the little car, reminds me of something Buzz Lightyear might drive...I wonder if you will still feel that Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, once you arrive in the others. Can't wait for those pictures of London and Barcelona! Enjoy your day! Love you lots!