
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Six hours of classes in French = headache

Ugh so classes. Not a whole lot of fun. At 10 this morning I had intermediate french for three hours. Surprisingly I understood 90% of what was being said. It really is amazing how quickly languages come back to you. But near the end of that class my head was starting to spin from constantly translating everything into english. Going off to my french style and fashion class which was also entirely in french was even worse than I thought. At least with the language class I knew what to expect. Not only do I know barely anything about fashion and the vocabulary associated with it in english, but I was entirely lost in french. I could translate everything but the important, fashion related facts, into english. Fail moment if I've ever seen one. By the halfway point, I could literally feel my brain hurting. It felt the same as it'd feel if I had spent 12 hours in the UNH library doing finance problem after finance problem. I definitely miss my major already. At least with finance there is only one correct way to do something whereas there are like a thousand ways to say the same damn thing in french. At least I don't have any homework and I don't have to buy any textbooks so far. It definitely is a change though. I miss math haha. My professors were at least nice, but its not like they could speak in english if I didn't understand something because I have class with german, austrian, japanese, chinese, and korean students and they don't speak english soooo its a bit of a challenge. Whatever though it's only day one so it can only get easier (I hope). Sorry for the boring post, but I have no new pictures or anything to put up. Normandy and Mont Michael should be fun this weekend so I at least have that to look forward to!

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